The tribe Hupa traveled by walking and by using canoes.
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they dug out canoes. They picked berries and fished fish such as salmon and they used redwood trees
The Hupa tribesâ?? people used tools they crafted from stone, bones, wood, elk horn, and shells. They used these to shape platters, bowls, and storage chests out of cedar. They also used tools for food preparation and eating and hunting.
propbaly foot or canoes
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cedar planks
No, the Hupa Indians were not a desert tribe.
The tribe Hupa traveled by walking and by using canoes.
what are the hupa best known for
The Hupa Indian Tribe was not nomadic as other California tribes were. The Hupa lived in redwood homes with small openings so bears could not get in the home.
what games did hupa indian tribes play
what period of tme did the Hupa tribe live