The pirgrims contributed wildlife, prayers to God, and time, so they could have their first Thanksgiving, and thank God. Now, I'm not a professional, but I bet God was pretty happy that the Pilgrims took time out of their feast to take a minute and pray before they ate.
Pilgrims are people that take pilgrimages, so therefore there are no types of pilgrims.
True. Pilgrims were separatists, however not all separatists were Pilgrims.
The people on the Mayflower were Pilgrims and strangers.
the governor of the pilgrims the governor of the pilgrims
what continent did the Pilgrims leave from?what continent did the Pilgrims leave from?
We don't have pilgrims these days.
The Mayflower was used to get the pilgrims to America. If you heard of Christopher Columbus then you heard of pilgrims and if you heard of pilgrims you heard of the Mayflower.
Pilgrims did it Pilgrims did it Pilgrims did it
Pilgrims from England.
Pilgrims were separatists.
What were the pilgrims taught
43 pilgrims
The Pilgrims sailed from England.