it put a stop to "lame duck" sessions of Congress by advancing the dates for the President's inauguration to January 20 from March 4th,
A change that is made to the Constitution is called an amendment. An amendment is usually a positive change made to improve something.
In the US, changes made to the US Constitution are called Amendments. Excluding the 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights, the most important one can be the 13th amendment which abolished slavery in the USA.
First of all, a two thirds majority of each house of Congress must propose the amendment. Then, a three fourths majority of the states must ratify the amendment.
amending the constitution to grant presidents more war power.
It has an amendment process that allows it to be changed with times ---> the amendment that allowed women to vote is an example. In 1787, society did not think women were fit to vote. By the 1900s that view had changed with the times, and the amendment was added.
Americans. Americans do the Twentieth Amendment.
Answerlame duck
Twenty-second amendment A+
Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to take office on the inaugural date specified by the Twentieth Amendment.
It's one of these; A. Eighteenth Amendment B. Fourteenth Amendment C. Nineteenth Amendment D. Twentieth Amendment
The twentieth amendment was ratified in 1933.
12 were added
January 23, 1933 was the date the 20th was ratified/
Answer 1Commencement of Terms; Sessions of Congress; Death or disqualification of president- elect.Answer 2The Twentieth Amendment (Amendment XX) to the United States Constitution establishes the beginning and ending of the terms of the elected federal officials. It also deals with scenarios in which there is no President-elect. The Twentieth Amendment was ratified on January 23, 1933.
the change of the Constitution is an amendment
one twentieth = 0.05 into decimal or 5%