They made houses such as longhouses, houses that were long enough for more than one family in the Iriquois tribe.
Cause that is how they build there houses and canoes and they used animal skins to make clothing.
What did the U.S. government first make with American Indians
The Plateau Indians ate salmon, deer, elk, small animals, berries, seeds, and roots, especially the camas roots. The Coastal Indians ate salmon, whale, shellfish, and otters. They dried their meat so they could eat it later. The Plateau Indians' houses were called pit houses. They were made out of mud, dirt, and grass. The Coastal Indians' houses were called longhouses. They were made out of cedar. They made boards to connect them to make a house. The Plateau Indians' clothing was made out of hides, quills, fur, and feathers. The Coastal Indians made their clothing out of cedar and seashells. The Plateau Indians made their leather from deer and elk fur. The Coastal Indians got the seashells at the beach. The Plateau Indian's tools were called digging sticks, rocks, and arrowheads. The Coastal Indians' tools were made out of shells, whale teeth, bones, and harpoons. The Plateau Indians' art was baskets and beadwork. The Coastal Indians' art was totem poles and carvings. The Plateau and Coastal Indians' art was made by hand. The Plateau Indian's beliefs were pow-wows. The Plateau Indians' custom was spirits. The Coastal Indians' beliefs were spirits. The Coastal Indians' customs were also the potlatch.
They have jobs
They made baskets for art.
The Nez Perce used twigs, bark, logs, and thatch to build their longhouses
wood and animal skins
The length of time it took to build longhouses depended on how many people were available to work on them. Larger ones could take up to a month to build. They had to cut all of the trees and wood by hand.
how did the Crow indians make a travois
Because they were used to build the missions make soap and candles.
They used wood for longhouses etc
They made longhouses out of mud and logs
The aboriginals, Asians and North Americans usually make the longhouses. The longhouses are about 25 to 30 meters long. The longhouses are made 6 to 9 length and weight. Each longhouse can live up to 6 families including the parents, the children, the aunts, the uncles and the grandparents.
with their matterials
36-40 people lived a longhouse at a time.
they made adobe bricks to build the mission Church
They showed them how to build shelter and how to use buffalo chips for cooking And make crops