After researching, I could not answer this question any better than a previous Wiki Answer.
The 7 principles of the US Constitution are :
Popular Sovereignty - People are the source of the governments
Separation of Powers - Each of the three branches of government has its own responsibilities.
Checks and Balances - Each branch of government holds some control over the other two branches
Limited Government - The constitution limits the actions of government by specifically listing powers it does and does not have.
Republicanism - The people pick their political representatives
Federalism - In this government system, power is divided between national and state governments
Individual Rights - Basic liberties and rights all the citizens are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights
Read more: 7_principles_of_the_constitution
Delaware was the first state to ratify the US Constitution on December 7, 1787. This is why it has the state nickname The Constitution State.
The US Constitution contains 7 articles:Article 1 deals with the Legislative branch; Article 2 is the executive branch; Article 3 is the Judicial branch; Article 4 is federalism; Article 5 is the Amendment process; and Article 6 is the supremacy clause.And the 7th article is the ratification of the Constitution.There are 7 articles.LegislativeExecutiveJudicialStates' Powers and LimitsAmendmentsNational SupremecyRatification
Rhode Island was the last state to approve the US Constitution having done so on May 29, 1790.
On December 7, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the US Constitution.
The minimum age to qualify for a seat in the House of Representatives is 25. Other requirements include being a US Citizen for the past seven years, and being an inhabitant of the state they wish to represent at the time of the election.
There are 7 articles. There are 7 articles.
There are 7 Articles in the constitution and 27 Amendments.
The Constitution of the United States can be____ .
article 7
The US Constitution sets out three requirements for a Representative: 1. Must be at least 25 years of age. 2. Must be a US citizen for at least 7 years. 3. Must be a resident of the state he or she is elected to represent. The Constitution does not require the Representative to live within the Congressional District - only the State.
Delaware ratified the US Constitution on December 7, 1787. Source: Wikipedia
To be a member of the House of Representatives, a person must be 25 years old, and been 7 years a citizen of the United States and must be an inhabitant of the state in which he is elected to represent. See Article I, Section 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution.
Colorado has 7 US Representatives.
One is longer------NEW ANSWER BELOW----US Constitution has seven articles; Illinois has fourteenBill of Rights are located at the end of US Constitution; Bill of Rights located at the start for Illinois Constitution
7 original articles, + 27 amendments
7 articles and 27 amendments
Obama is a socialist