No US $2 bills were printed with yellow seals. However, up till 1963 most were issued as US Notes with red seals and in the 19th century some $2 bills had brown seals. Either of these could have changed color due to age or exposure to chemicals.
U.S. Notes have red seals. Federal Reserve Notes have green seals. See the related question for U.S. Notes.
The first Federal Reserve notes were printed in the 1914 series. Denominations were $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. They were printed with both red seals and blue seals; green wasn't adopted as the standard seal color until 1928. In general, 1914-series FRNs with red seals are worth several times the value of their blue-seal counterparts.
Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. The only US bills dated 1935 were $1 silver certificates with blue seals. The last $1000 bills were 1934 Federal Reserve Notes with green seals.
Please check your bill again. > Federal Reserve Notes have green seals. > Silver certificates have blue seals. > The first green-seal $1 bills are dated 1963 rather than 1957.
You can find many Seals in Sunyshore City's Market which is the top left building in the city - it's very close to where Jasmine is at. Keep in mind that every day there are different Seals.
wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic wendell seals are seals in the Antarctic
Harbor seals, Elephant seals, Ross seals, Weddell seals, Antarctica Fur seals, Leopard seals and Navy seals.
7: elephant seals,harp seals, cabeater seals, ross seals, leopard seals, wendell seals and hooded seals
Various sources give seals a range of collective names: bob of seals colony of seals crash of seals flock of seals harem of seals herd of seals plump of seals pod of seals rookery of seals spring of seals team of seals
Yes! they prey on young Antarctic Fur seals, Crabeater Seals, Ross Seals And Weddell Seals
hi Hawaiian monk seal elephant seals ringed seals ribbon seal Baikal seal harp seals hooded seals spotted seals Crabeater seals Leopard seals Ross seals Weddell seals harbor seals Northern elephant seals Southern elephant seals Gray seals Caspian seals bearded seals Mediterranean monk seals Antarctic ice seals Arctic ice sealsAnother AnswerThe only seals found on Antarctica's beaches during breeding season are the Leopard Seals and Weddell Seals. The Ross seal can be found in the pack ice around the continent.
Various sources give seals a range of collective names: bob of seals colony of seals crash of seals flock of seals harem of seals herd of seals plump of seals pod of seals rookery of seals spring of seals team of seals most common: herd, pod, colony, or rookery less common: bob or harem
Normal seals,sea lions, grey seals, lion seals, ice seals,seafearers and fur seals
harp seals protect their young by building lairs under snowdrifts to shield them from harsh Artic weather and predators
There are lots of different types of seals, there are ringed seals, bearded seals and ribbon seals.
harp seal walrus elephant seal leopard seal There are 13 to 18 different types of seals.