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Then they would lose the war because the French wouldn't help the Americans and the French wouldn't help them to get weapons and things to improve their army soliders

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Q: What do you think might have happened if american soldiers had lost the battle of saratoga?
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More than 600 soldiers died during the Battle of Saratoga.

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He was a general and lead a group of soldiers into war in the battle of Saratoga, During the American Revolution.

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About 300 British soldiers died in the battle of Saratoga.

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The battle of Trenton happened in 1776. The battle of Saratoga happened in 1777. So battle of Trenton came first.

Why was the battle of saratoga the turning point?

The battle of Saratoga was called the "turning point" of the American Revolution because it was the first victory for the American patriots. After this battle, the patriot's victory convinced the French to join in the Revolution on the American side, thus providing much military support for the U.S. soldiers. Source(s): History student, lives near Saratoga

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It happened after the Battle of Trenton!! i like that battle lol

What was the battle in which American soldiers stopped the British from taking over New York?

the battle of saratoga was the turning point. big battle!

Why was the Battle of Saratoga called the turning point?

The battle of Saratoga was called the "turning point" of the American Revolution because it was the first victory for the American patriots. After this battle, the patriot's victory convinced the French to join in the Revolution on the American side, thus providing much military support for the U.S. soldiers. Source(s): History student, lives near Saratoga

What would have happened if American's lost the battle of saratoga?

I don't know! Go on some other website!