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When the constitution was written during the summer of 1787, the Articles of Confeduration were still governing the United States.

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Q: What document was governing the US before and during the writing of the constitution?
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What document was governing US before and during the writing of the Constitution?

When the constitution was written during the summer of 1787, the Articles of Confeduration were still governing the United States.

What document was governing the US before and during the writing of the constition?

the articles of confederation, they only lasted for a few years before the constitution was signed.

What was the name of the first document that governed the United States?

the articles of confederation was the first governing document

What document was written before the constitution that ruled the thirteen new states?

The document that was written before the Constitution was the Articles of Confederation.

What were the newly independent states joined by before the constitution?

The newly independent states were joined by the Articles of Confederation before the Constitution. The Articles of Confederation served as the first governing document of the United States from 1781 to 1789, but it was eventually replaced by the Constitution due to its weaknesses in providing a strong central government.

What was the document that was your plan before the constitution?

The Articles of Confederation

What document existed before the Constitution?

The Articles of Confederation.

What document governed the colonies before the Constitution?

Article of Confederation

What part of the constitution is the preamble?

The Preamble is the first paragraph or introduction of the Constitution. It establishes the Constitution as the governing document of the United States. It begins with the phrase "We the People", indicating that it is the people who hold the ultimate power in the U.S. and states the purposes for which the United States was established as a country.

Which document organized the government before the u.s. constitution did?

articles of confederation

What was the document that governed the united States before the creation of the constitution?

The Articles of Confederation

Rule requiring that nine states ratify the constitution to make it a working document?

The rule requiring that nine states ratify the constitution to make it a working document is the Fourth Amendment to the US constitution. It was tabled before Congress in 1789.