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Racial supiority of Anglo Saxons. they argued that the united states had a responsibility to spread Christianity and "civilization" to the world's "inferior peoples." This viewpoint narrowly defined "civilization" according to the standards of only one culture.

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Q: What does Anglo saxon superiority mean?
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What is anglo saxon superiority?

Anglo Saxon was the term that was used to describe the "Caucasian" race in the early 1900s. Anglo Saxon superiority was the mindset that that race was better than the others and America belonged to them.

What is the nationality of the last name Dickerson?

Dickerson comes from the diminutive Dick, which is a pet-form of the given forename Richard. Richard was born from a rare Anglo-Saxon name "Ricehard", known to mean "Rule Hard."The ending suffix of -son, of course, translates it to "Son of Richard."It also could be an occupational surname: "Son of the maker of ditches, dikes, holes, etc."Ultimately, it is originally English.

When was the penny invented?

The penny has a history dating back to pre-Roman times as a basic unit of currency. In Rome it was called a denarius(which is why pre-decimalisation British pennies had 'd' after them) a silver coin which paid for a day's labour. Anglo-Saxon England also used pennies.

When was Carrie Saxon Perry born?

Carrie Saxon Perry was born August 30,1931

What does the last name houser mean?

The name Houser is Anglo-Saxon in origin. It was often given to a person employed "at the house," which, in most cases, refered to a religious house or convent. The surname Houser is derived from the Old English word hus, which means house. In some cases, the name Houser may be a form of the names Howes, House, Hows, and many others. I found this and other info at the "house of names" site. -Lauren Marie Owen, Life Coach

Related questions

What is anglo saxon superiority?

Anglo Saxon was the term that was used to describe the "Caucasian" race in the early 1900s. Anglo Saxon superiority was the mindset that that race was better than the others and America belonged to them.

Who was the American clergyman who preached anglo-saxon superiority?

Josiah Strong

Who emphasized the evolutionary superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race?

Charles Darwin

What does the acronym WASP mean?

WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

What is anglo-Saxon chauvinism?

Anglo-Saxon chauvinism refers to a form of extreme pride or prejudice towards Anglo-Saxon culture, history, or people. It can manifest as a belief in the superiority of Anglo-Saxon heritage over other cultures or ethnicities.

American clergyman who preached Anglo-Saxon superiority and called for stronger US missionary effort overseas?

Josiah Strong

American clergyman who preached anglo-saxon superiority and called for stronger us missionary efforts overseas?

Josiah Strong

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The expansionist foreign policy of the 1890s derived significant inspiration from?

American Exceptionalism, Anglo-Saxon Superiority, Social Darwinism; Not Populism.

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