Crippled means that you are unable to do things with your legs/arms/neck/hands/ or any other body part. criplled is when your face is funny (see JEB)
The USA is 85% Christian, and the terrorist are Islamic extremist. Also they wanted to cripple the USA economically, politically, and military by destroying the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Capitol/White House.
Crips get their name because it's short for Cripple. Back when Crips first started in the 60's they would call each other Cripples because they used to walk around with canes tryna be pimps, then they later shortened it to Crips. C.R.I.P.=Community Revolutionary In Progress
The naval blockade - it took some time to implement, but it was highly effective. Refusal to trade with the South - so the South had to depend on the Confederate dollar, which became worthless. Punitive raids on Georgia, South Carolina and the Shenandoah Valley - wrecking the farms and railroads, and helping to starve the enemy troops in the field.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
it mean that they free from slaves
Cripple Bastards was created in 1988.
Hooky the Cripple was created in 2002.
The address of the Cripple Creek District Museum is: Po Box 1210, Cripple Creek, CO 80813-1210
A cripple jack rafter is a jack rafter which touches neither a ridge rafter or a top plate. Cripple jack rafters are often categorized as either valley cripple jack rafters or hip cripple jack rafter.
Do you see that cripple over there? He's an inspiration. I'm sad to hear that your brother has become a cripple after that accident last week. 'Did you steal that wheelchair?' 'No, I'm a cripple.'
The cripple shuffled across the room with the help of his cane. They were able to cripple the tank with a well placed grenade.
Cripple Fight was created on 2001-06-27.
Cripple Crow was created on 2005-09-13.
The web address of the Cripple Creek District Museum is:
Jenny, the cripple, sat there unmoving, unspeaking in her motorized wheelchair