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typically, a pimp suit

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Q: What does a girl in the mafia wear?
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What colors do La Gran Mafia wear?

The La Gran Mafia wear the colors blue and white.

What are the colors of La Gran Mafia?

All gangs under La Gran Mafia wear the color brown.

Do Surenos wear brown or blue?

Surenos are a gang under La Gran Mafia, and all La Gran Mafia gangs wear the color brown, and sometimes blue as well.

What hats did the mafia wear?

A very nice fedora. Or, if you're going for the super BA mafia, a worn out fedora.

What type of clothes did the Mexican mafia wear?

The Mexican Mafia doesn't have a clothing line, that I'm aware of they wear whatever they wanna wear, just like any other gang member....

What is the Black Mafia Family bandana color?

The Black Mafia Family wears the colors black, and sometimes white and gray.

What side do La Gran Mafia gangs wear their bandana?

They wear their bandanas to the left side.

What color is La Gran Mafia gang?

La Gran Mafia is the alliance, Surenos is the gang, and all gangs under La Gran Mafia wear the color brown.

Is chief a GD?

Chief Keef is a member of the Black Mafia Family.*The Black Mafia Family is a street gang that wear the color black.

What gang wears brown?

There are a few gangs & sets that wear the color brown... Elm Street Pirus wear burgandy & brown. Fudge Town Mafia Crips wear blue & brown. Some Sureno sets wear the color brown, along with the traditional blue.

What color does the American mafia wear?

The American mafia is not a gang and they don't have colors. Yet, it could be said they do have a certain style they like to wear. This is generally expensive suits, expensive shoes, and nice diamond pinky rings.

What are the colors of bmf?

The GMT aka the black mafia family wear. the color black.