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Q: What does bahati njema mean in African?
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How do you say Good luck in Swahili?

Bahati njema

What is Swahili for Good Luck?

Bahati njema!

Who is mp bahati?

The member of parliament for Bahati is Onesmus Kimani.

When was David Bahati born?

David Bahati was born in 1973.

How tall is Njema Williams?

Njema Williams is 6'.

What is thename forthemp for bahati?

The member of parliament for Bahati is Onesmus Kimani.

When was Rahsaan Bahati born?

Rahsaan Bahati was born on 1982-02-13.

When was Bahati Ali Abeid born?

Bahati Ali Abeid was born in 1967.

When was Olivier Bahati born?

Olivier Bahati was born on 1985-09-02.

What party was Bahati David elected?

Bahati David was elected into the parliament of Uganda on NRM party.

Enjoy yo day in Swahili?

Siku njema or kutwa njema, nice day (with you and your understood). These are very common parting words, varying with the time of day: siku njema, have a nice day; kutwa njema, nice day; asubuhi njema, nice morning; jioni njema, nice evening; uskiu mwema, nice night (like Good Night upon parting or closing a telephone conversation on text message).

When was Njema Williams born?

Njema Williams was born on September 13, 1973, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.