In the Star Spangled Banner the word (Dawn) means "beginning of the day"
translated it means, do you still see the flag this morning?
It means it was very dangerous.
Hail is another way if honoring the flag and all that it stands for.
Americans would force immigrants or possible terrorist to sing the the star spangled banner or pledge of allegiance.
it means is the flag up in the morning before every one wakes up
In the Star Spangled Banner the word (Dawn) means "beginning of the day"
WHAT' O!SAY DOES That star-spangled banner yet wave' mean
It's the literal use of the word "dawn," which is early morning, just before sunrise.
star spangled means covered in stars
the star spangled banner song means freedom to are nation.
translated it means, do you still see the flag this morning?
A banner is a flag. adding a bunch of stars to it is to spangle it, if you're a poet. So the star-spangled banner is the American flag.
It means it was very dangerous.
in a gallant manner
At the time the lyrics were composed, 1812, banner was another word for flag.