A plantation overseer is like a foreman - a person in charge to make sure work is done and employees are managed.
Addendum. A plantation officer is not like a foreman who works with legally employed people who willingly sign a contract to do a work. They are enforcers who make sure people do the work a master wants done whether the enslaved want to or not.
the overseer ran the plantation maybe buy slaves
a slave went to the store without permission and when he came back the overseer was mad and wanted to whip him. the overseer asked Harriet to do it, but she refused and when the slaved tried to runaway he threw a weight at him and missed and hit harriet in the forehead almost crushing her skull.
The overseer, and on occasion the slaveholder, would check to make sure the slaves were doing what they were told to do.
Overseers punish slaves if they misbehave. They can also be responsible for finding runaway slaves. They answer to the owner of the plantation and cannot disobey or else they'll get fired.
A prisoner who makes sure you do the right job
Circuit overseer in Tagalog is "overseer ng sirkito."
Jack was promoted to overseer of the manufacturing department.
The singular possessive is overseer's; for example:One of the overseer's duties is to keep a record of all transactions.
I am the overseer of your imminent death.
A couple of synonyms for overseer are foreman and master.
The cast of The Overworked Oversea Overseer - 1916 includes: Claude Cooper as The Overseer
My supervisor checked my work. I reported to a supervisor.
In colonial times, an overseer was the boss of day-to-day slave activities. The overseer did whatever he needed to do to make sure slaves did their job.
An feighlí means "watcher/tender/overseer. Feighlí páistí = baby-sitter, for example.
Professor X the Overseer died on 2006-03-17.
Professor X the Overseer was born on 1956-08-04.