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Q: What does the publication of The Jungle tell you about the progressive movement?
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Just tell you the meaning of edit?

To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for publication; as, to edit a newspaper.

Where is the valerian plant on HorseIsle?

The valerian plant is near Rainy Meadows on the largest isle connected to Jungle Isle. Kiah will tell you where they are: south in the jungle near rocks.

How can you tell if the net force is zero?

you can tell only if there is no motion or movement.

How do you use the moons movement and phases to tell time?

you use the moons movement and phases to tell time because of the seasons, rotation, and revolution

Where do you get the french horn for Silver Mary's quest?

talk to xamba on jungle isle. he will tell you where to go from there.

What is a revise for publication?

what do you think use your own brain and jet to work don't tell me stuff you need to know.

How do you get to the jungle planet on poptropica?

to tell you the truth, i do not really know. i can not figure it freakin out it sucks...................................... well that's all.bye

Does Progressive Auto Insurance offer roadside assistance plans?

Progressive Auto Insurance probably does offer roadside assistance plans. A quick phone call to yous local agent can tell you the availability and the locations.

How can you tell if a lobster is sick?

It will act lethargic (slow or no movement)

What horses can be caught on jungle isle?

if you want to know what horses are particularly on horse isle go into the library and look up that horse and it will tell you what isle it is found on. I know Llamas can only be found on jungle.

Where is Karina on HorseIsle?

There are two Karina's on Horse Isle. Karina #1 (Mappable) - Shellton on Turtle. (Baby Karina) Karina #2 (Not Mappable) - Talk to people on Jungle. (In the town.) They tell you to find Karina near a jungle temple on the islands that branch off Jungle Isle. ChanMul~Brown Server

What is the movement of glacier?

Slowly and downward, since it is being pulled by gravity. You can tell the direction of its movement by the alignment of grooves in bedrock.