This act lessend traditional influences of Indian society by making land ownership private rather than shared. This act promised, but failed to deliver U.S citizenship to Natve Americans. The act took about two thirds of Indian land.
It was the beginning of the end of the true "African" natives owner's right of America. The beginning of the lies, to erase true "African" history. The defacing of a nation, etc.
It changed Native American culture drastically. Children were taken away from their parents and raised as whites in boarding schools. This meant that many of these children grew up never being able to speak their native language. Land was taken from Native Americans if whites wanted the land. The Native Americans were given land that no one wanted and often this land was unable to grow crops. Native Americans were no longer able to follow the buffalo or the ways of their ancestors. They were confined to reservations.
Lost their traditional cultural practices
The Dawes Act was supposed to assimilate the Native Americans into the white culture by breaking up their reservations and giving them individual tracts of land.
dawes act.
The Dawes Act was passed in 1887 and it tried to dissolve Indian tribes by redistributing the land. It was designed to forestall growing Indian poverty, but it resulted in many Indians losing their land to speculators.
President Grover Cleavland passed the Dawes Act in 1887
Lost their traditional cultural practices
Lost their traditional cultural practices
Lost their traditional cultural practices
Indians in the great plains...savages...hated Indians
cause the indians didntlike it
They were now treated as individuals
The Dawes Act was created in Massachusetts. The Dawes Act, adopted by Congress in 1887, authorized the President of the United States to survey Indian tribal land and divide the land into allotments for individual Indians. The Act was named for its sponsor, Senator Henry L. Dawes of Massachusetts. The Dawes Act was amended in 1891 and again in 1906 by the Burke Act. The stated objective of the Dawes Act was to stimulate assimilation of Indians into American society. Individual ownership of land was seen as an essential step. The act also provided that the government would purchase Indian land excess to that needed for allotment and open it up for settlement by non-Indians.
The homestead act allow applicant to not hold land of up to 160 acres while the Dawes act was away for some Indians to be US citizens.
They were now treated as individuals
They were now treated as individuals
to assimilate Indians into white culture
The Dawes Act impacted on self-governance, unity and culture of Native American tribes.