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it didnt do s h i t

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Q: What effect did the Revenue Act of 1926 have on Americans?
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What substantially increased the number of Americans paying income taxes?

revenue act of 1942

What was the effect on the Dawes Act on Native Americans?

Native Americans lost much of the land that they had before the passage of the act.

What effect did the social security act have on Americans?

it had the effect of having things more civilized

What was the effect of the Indian removal act?

One effect was that thousands of native Americans died on the Cherokee Trail of Tears.

Which act did congress pass in order to relocate Native Americans?

The act that Congress passed that allowed them to relocate the Native Americans was called the Indian Removal Act. It went in to effect in 1830 when Andrew Jackson was president.

What was the effect of the Dawes act of 1887?

it led to the sale of the majority of native americans land to whites

How did the fugitive slave act effect the north south and the African Americans?

it to away their natural rights

What are the release dates for A Plantation Act - 1926?

A Plantation Act - 1926 was released on: USA: 7 October 1926 (New York City, New York)

How did the homestead act effect the native Americans?

it took lnad away from the natives and were given to the whites. (Essay)

What was the main effect of the Dawes act of 1887?

it led to the sale of the majority of native americans land to whites

What was the revenue act of 1764?

The Revenue Act of 1764 was also known as the Sugar Act. This act was passed on April 5th, 1764 by the Parliament of Great Britain in an attempt to raise revenue through the taxation on sugar and molasses that were purchased by the colonists.

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How did the American Revenue Act affect colonial economies?