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Irish, German, Hungarian, Russian, English and Scandinavians.

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Q: What ethnic groups lived in Harlem before African Americans?
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What is the ethnic heritage for an African American?

The answer is in the question; Americans that have African continental heritage.

African Americans and the IQ?

IQ has no correlation with ethnic groups.

What major ethnic groups living in the state of Maryland?

Native Americans, European Americans and African Americans.

What ethnic group has the highest crime rate?

If you look at the prison population, there is disproportionate number of African Americans in prison

What has the author Bruce A Glasrud written?

Bruce A. Glasrud has written: 'Exploring the Afro-Texas experience' -- subject(s): Bibliography, History, African Americans, Race relations 'The Harlem Renaissance in the American West' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Race relations, Harlem Renaissance, Intellectual life, African American arts, Music, African American authors, African Americans 'Tracking the Texas Rangers' -- subject(s): Texas Rangers, History, Law enforcement, Frontier and pioneer life 'Bibliophiling Tejano scholarship' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Social conditions, History, Hispanic Americans, Mexican Americans, Ethnic relations

How do you use ethnic group in a sentence?

The largest ethnic minority groups in the United States are African American,and Hispanic Americans.

What heritage did jazz grow out of?

The ethnic group that is credited for creating jazz music and maintaing its strong presence in American life is....African Americans.

Blues music developed in America from the various expressions of what ethnic group?

African Americans

What are four ethnic groups who were ancestors to African Americans?

ArriataFalupoJabondoBuramoKayorThis only names a few.

Which ethnic group average family income in 2000 surpassed that of whites?


What are the main ethnic groups in central America?

Europeans,Mestizos, African descents, and native americans

What are the most major ethnic groups in latin America?

white, spanish, Portuguese, African Americans, and indigenous people (native Americans)