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The Assassination of President James Garfield

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Q: What event changed the republican party's position on civil service reform?
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What event changed the republican partys position on civil service reform?

then assassination of president james garfield

What are the positive things that the Republican partys have accomplish?

The Republicans had to fart on Washington, so when they did, they had constipation.

What is the meaning of Jacksonain Democrat?

Before there were the two partys, democrat and republican, there was the only party wich was the democratic republican party. President Jackson has his views on democracy. The party became the two current partys and a democrat who has similar views as Jackson did is a Jacksonian democrat.

What are three ways for a republican state chairman to become a member of his partys national committee?

if most members in the Congress from his states are Republican if his state has a republican governor if his state cast electoral votes in the last election for the Republican candidate

What are the two major political partys?

In the United States, the two major parties are Republican and Democrat.

Is Jude law a Democrat?

Jude Law is British, so he's unlikely to be either a democrat or a republican as in Britain they have a different political system... the main partys in the UK are conservative (equivalent to republican), labour (equivalent to the demotrats) However the major partys in the UK tend less towards the far right than their American counter-parts, so i suppose it's more likely Jude Law would be sympathetic towards democratic views =)

Why dont they get rid of partys on Stardoll?

Because they are retarded. People do bad things on the partys. And because of the partys I got kicked off of there. I officialy hate!

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They didn't have much economic opportunity in the old South.

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2 weeks if both partys agree

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Girl teen : shopping , boys, partys Boy teen: girls , gym, partys

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