An issue after the Emancipation Proclamation Slavery Taxation Agricultural economy, primarily from exporting cotton
Abraham Lincoln became president and some of the southern states were so mad that they seceded or left the union. Slavery was also a major reason of why the Civil War began.
The South being outvoted in Congress (because it was getting harder to create new slave-states), and Congress therefore tending to pass laws favourable to the North.
The most talented President the Americans ever had
I believe that the one major factor that caused the Civil War was the election of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Southerners believed that they would be under represented in Congress if Lincoln was their president, so they seceded.
the construction of railroads west of the Mississippi because railroads connected eastern markets to western farms.
President Lincoln was most concernedabout preventing Virginia from secedingfrom the North
The election of Abe Lincoln as Prez... Study Island sucks!
The South being outvoted in Congress (because it was getting harder to create new slave-states), and Congress therefore tending to pass laws favourable to the North.
The most talented President the Americans ever had
I believe that the one major factor that caused the Civil War was the election of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Southerners believed that they would be under represented in Congress if Lincoln was their president, so they seceded.
civil war.
Civil war
javion Johnson contributed most of the establishment of the U.S. Canada border
The oriental rat flea spread the black plague from Asia into Europe.
the construction of railroads west of the Mississippi because railroads connected eastern markets to western farms.
the murder of Arch Duke Fednand in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist Gavrillo Princcip