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Q: What famous californio was a prisoner in sutter's fort?
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How did sutters fort fall?

Sutter's fort is still standing and it never did "fall." No battles took place at the fort. It was built for people who came to CA to settle. Today, it is a state park and you can tour the fort.

Is rizal a prisoner?

yes, Rizal was arrested and imprisoned during his last few days in now so calle Fort Santiago [ Philippines ].

Why is sutters fort important?

Sutter's Fort was build by John Sutter with land he got from a Mexican land grant. For many years it was the only stopping place for settlers coming into the upper San Joaquin Valley after the long wagon train ride across country. As a result the area around the fort grew and eventually became the city of Sacramento. Sutter planed out the city and it still shows his influence. Sutter's Fort also became important in the establishment of the state of CA. John C. Fremont had the Mexican governor taken there and held while he declared the Republic of CA and flew the first bear flag. Today the fort is a historical site and tours can be taken of the buildings and grounds. It is located in the center of Sacramento.

Why was Francis Scott Key important?

francis scott key is important because he wrote the star banner and he was a lawyer also he has a elementary school high school middle school and a mall also a street named after him and thats why francis scott key is important

How did the United states get California?

In 1848 gold was found in Columa California at the sawmill of John Sutter and this resulted in the gold rush. California had all ready become a territory called the Bear Flag Republic when John C Fremont took the Mexican governor hostage in Monterey. He was taken to Sutters Fort in Sacramento. So many people came into California seeking gold that by 1850 California became a state September 9, 1850.

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What famous Californian was a prisoner at Sutters fort jail?

tuck james wilson

Who lived at sutters fort?

John Sutter

How were labors called to work at sutters fort?

With a bell.

How did sutters fort fall?

Sutter's fort is still standing and it never did "fall." No battles took place at the fort. It was built for people who came to CA to settle. Today, it is a state park and you can tour the fort.

Who built sutters fort in 1838?

nobody really knows they just say that john sutter did

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ANSWER Fort McHenry

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The famous Fort in Fort Liberte, the Golden Arch, and the people in Haiti.

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why not

What is the famous fort in San Antonio?

The most famous fort in San Antonio is known as the Alamo. It was the site of a famous battle in the War for Texas Independence.

Which famous fort in Rajasthan was formerly known as Chintamani?

Junagarh Fort