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1.corruption 2. The economy 3. Violence 4. The Democrats return to power

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Q: What four factors contributed to the end of Reconstruction?
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What factors contributed to the end of reconstruction?

1.corruption 2. The economy 3. Violence 4. The Democrats return to power

What are 4 factors that contributed to the end of reconstruction?

1.Corruption 2. The economy 3. Violence 4. The Democrats return to power

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Which President oversaw the end of the Reconstruction Era?

Rutherford Hayes oversaw the end of the Reconstruction Era.

When did Ministry of Reconstruction end?

Ministry of Reconstruction ended in 1945.

4 main factors contributing to the end of Reconstruction?

1.corruption 2. The economy 3. Violence 4. The Democrats return to power

What factors led to the end of reconstruction?

Reconstruction collapsed around 1877, when Southern Democrats gained power in all the former Confederate states. The Southern Democrats opposed the reforms of Reconstruction and deprived African-Americans of the political rights they had gained during Reconstruction.

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This informal understanding marked the end of Radical Reconstruction

What factors contributed to the end of open range cattle ranching in mid 1880?

Drop in beef prices and the invention of barbed wire

Which factors contributed to the end of open range cattle ranching in the mid?

Drop in beef prices and the invension of barbed wire. NOVANET