William Bradford\'s wife Dorothy fell from the deck of the Mayflower and drowned in the sea.
Josephine was doing well, had a long conversation with her last year, she was my neighbor and she is a beautiful person, her son Lamont was also a friend, he use to shoot basketball in my back yard on Lauder in Detroit, and I do miss him.
A lot of stuff m. Union's leader doer's Jefferson cheats on his wife ands is impeached ...look somewewre else that's all I know
Tony Montana is a fictional character in the movie Scarface. His date of birth is not stated. He was portrayed by Al Pacino.
Lord Tony's Wife was created in 1917.
Lord Tony's Wife has 319 pages.
Type your answer here how did tony dinnozzo wife die
Tony Hawk's first wife was Cindy Dunbar and his second wife was called Erin Lee.
Tony Soprano's wife, Carmela is portrayed by actress Edie Falco.
November 23,1992 is Hannah Montanas' B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hanah montanas favorite color is purple
las montanas son bellas
Tony Hawks wife had 36 skateboards, mostly birdhouse, hawks on skateboard line.
Tony Award happened in 1947.
Hannah montanas account on webkinz world is hannahmontana16z
montanas natural wonders are hotdogs and chios with some cocacola