A type of transportation with no wheels, that can't be used in the snow could be a surfboard, raft, catamaran, sailboat, tugboat, steamboat, large turtle, elephant,
camel and a dromedary.
snow coaches
they dont use wheels they fly
The purpose of wheels is to transport you to all around the world. This is a very important use!
They used Canues (boat things), their feet and snow shoes!
The Aztecs used walking and had an advanced road system. Prior to the Spanish invasion of their empire, the Aztecs had no horses or wheels to assist their transportation.
yes mabey i dont no
use public transportation, stop smoking, and dont use your chimmeny as often
Some examples of items that use a wheel and axle are cars (wheels on the axles), bicycles (wheels connected to the axle of the pedals), and rolling luggage (wheels attached to an axle for easier transportation).
Buffaloes were used to carry the things, the main transportation was the Elm Bark Canoes. They wore snowshoes during the cold winters to walk in the snow.
Most likely.Snowboarding and skateboarding basically have the same concept. The only difference is snowboards do not use wheels and are used on snow. Skateboards do have wheels and can not be used on snow, only on concrete, etc. Also, there are similar, if not the same steps taken to snowboard/skateboard.
These are some of what they used: Canoes Snow Shoes Toboggans Tumplines
They use a large snowplough, mounted on the front of an engine, to clear the snow off the tracks. Unlike road vehicles, a small amount of snow is not a problem. the wheels push it out of the way.