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Gettysburg Adress

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Q: What helped the Americans to realize that the US was a single nation and not just a collection of individual states?
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What did the Gettysburg Address help to realize?

after Lincolns speech, the Gettysburg Address, it helped America realize that it wasn't a ton of individual was a unified nation!

Did Benjamin Franklin help the Americans or british?

he helped the Americans

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Martin Luther King helped America earn freedom for African Americans. He helped America realize how cruel they were being and helped the country move on.

Who helped the Americans during the Revolution?

the native americans.

Who was the Native Americans who helped Samuel Allen?

The question is grammatically incorrect. It should be "Who were the native Americans who helped Samuel Allen?"

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He helped neither but he supported the Americans

In his 1933 inaugural address President Roosevelt helped Americans see what?

He helped Americans to see that there were solutions to the problems of the Great Depression.

Did Benjamin Franklin helped the native Americans or the british?

Benjamin Franklin helped the native Americans during the American revolution. he helped them with getting together and fighting back at the British

9 How fighting between France and Britain helped the Americans?

It helped the Americans because the french could bit the British which were the worst enemy to Americans and so the French could bit them and also help the Americans.

What helped the Americans get along with the native Americans?

nothing at all it was a natrulle habit

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He helped the Americans

What important events happened because of the Battle of Saratoga?

The French helped out americans and helped them get weapons and improver both the Americans and their own army