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Q: What heritage do all Americans share?
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What are three values Americans share because of their common civic anf political heritage?

life liberty and the persuit of happiness

What was Harlem like during the Harlem Renaissance?

Harlem was a place for all African Americans to share their culture through music, art and literature. That's why it's called the Harlem Renaissance. African Americans shared their heritage freely, and for once, it was accepted.

How did African Americans show pride in their heritage?

African Americans show pride in their heritage with name changes, studying Black History, and celebrating Kwanzaa.

Did tip o'neil had Irish heritage?

Yes, he did share an Irish heritage

Why as black people we have no heritage history?

Black Americans have heritage.

Why do Indians share there heritage?


What is the ethnic heritage for an African American?

The answer is in the question; Americans that have African continental heritage.

Is System Of A Down an Armenian band?

Yes. All four band members are Americans of Armenian heritage.

How did African Americans show pride in their country?

African Americans show pride in their heritage with name changes, studying Black History, and celebrating Kwanzaa.

Why do African Americans preserve their family heritage the most?

It has not been established that African-Americans dopreserve their family heritage more than other American groups.

What do Mexicans and Americans have in common?

A rich Mexican heritage.

Why is important for American Indians to share their heritage?

Don’t know