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That depends what you consider to be an historical event - and which list you review. Here are some events:

  • Watergate burglary
  • Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with USSR
  • US pulls out of Vietnam ending war
  • Watergate Scandal breaks
  • Skylab first space station launched
  • Spiro Agnew resigns Vice Presidency
  • Richard Nixon resigns Presidency
  • Three Mile Island nuclear accident
  • Iran hostage crisis
  • Attempted assassination of President Reagan
  • Iran-Contra scandal
  • Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • Hubble Space Telescope placed in orbit
  • Gulf War
  • Los Angeles riots
  • Hurricane Andrew
  • World Trade Center bombing
  • Waco siege
  • Oklahoma City bombing
  • President Clinton is acquitted in impeachment trial
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sara was born in Afghanistan known as saz for afgaz

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Q: What historical events happened in America between 1972 and 2000?
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