Usually wigwams and longhouses. The wigwams would house a single family, while normally the longhouses would house several families.
woodland indians lived in longhouses and olmecs in tepees
The Great Plains
From aboout 1,000 bce to 1,000 ce.
They lived in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri.
The Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation lived in what is now Montana on the eastern slopes of the Rockies
They live in Longhouses
the eastern woodland enviorment was hot and humid.
The Eastern Woodland Indians lived in various types of homes, including longhouses made of wood and bark, wigwams made of saplings and birch bark, and chickees built on stilts with thatched roofs. They adapted their dwellings to their environment and the resources available to them.
The Iroquois Indians lived in the coastal plains region(Eastern Woodlands)
differt states like tenase and gorgia or alabama
woodland indians lived in longhouses and olmecs in tepees
Woodland Indians lived in wigwams and longhouses
Self-Sustainably. They lived in harmony with nature & flowed with the seasons & its food. They lived in Abundance.
The eastern woodlands of North America (United States).
They live in Woodland Cree.