I looked all over the internet. Nothing Important happened in America in 1771. Important things happened in other places in the world but not the 13 colonies. Sorry.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour 7 December 1941.
World events are things taking place in the world, around the globe. It can also apply to such important occurrences that have happened in the past.
Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii naval bse 07 Dec 1941
The 9/11 attacks happened. The twin towers aka the World Trade Center got hit by 2 planes. Later it collapsed.
the world trade centers collapsed.
The twin tower fall down
World War One started.
The most amazing girl in the world was born
1577 - Sir Francis Drake sets out from Plymouth, England, on his round-the-world voyage.
Women's Right to Vote, World War II, and the end of segregation.
9/11 happened in 2002 the terrorists crashed 4 US. planes in to a tall building in new york there that sums that up.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the American naval base on 7th December, 1941.
The rise of India in the last decade to a major world financial power is extremely important. Much of this has come about through outsourcing.
The attack on the World Trade Center.