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Rockets were invented in the 1920's

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Q: What innovations were made in the twenties?
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How did innovations and inventions best benefit both industry and citizens?

Innovations and inventions made it easier to produce or to do business. For the citizens, innovations made it easier to socialize, have fun and live comfortable lives.

What were some of the Innovations that made the construction of the Hoover dam?

Some of the innovations that made the construction of the Hoover Dam possible is.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GO AND DO YOUR MOM!

What were some innovations that made Hoover Dam possible?

Some of the innovations that made the construction of the Hoover Dam possible is.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GO AND DO YOUR MOM!

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Air conditioning and refrigeration are just two innovations that made trains more comfortable.

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What is an innovation that automobiles have made?

none, automobiles are the innovations not the innovator.

What innovations made coke successful?

because it's nice

How have recent technological innovations affected Asian cultures?

There are many recent technological innovations that affected Asian cultures. For instance services like transport and communication have been made more efficient through such innovations.

What were assyrian innovations?

made flushable toilets ad had running water

What are some examples of technological innovations?

Some examples of technological innovations include everything ever made from Television sets to the motor inside a car. Recent innovations include smartphones (iPhones, Android, etc.) and tablets.

How old was the lead in the karate kid when it was made?

He was in his mid-twenties. (Around 24-ish)