There were several pets. He loved cats and would play with them for hours. When Mary Todd was asked if he had a hobby she said "cats." When Lincoln created Thanksgiving as a holiday he was sent a turkey for his dinner in 1863. Tad named the turkey Tom and befriended the turkey. The turkey became a pet instead of dinner. He also had a dog named Fido. The Lincoln boys had a pet goats named a Nanny and Nanko. Tad and Willie liked to hitch the goats to carts or kitchen chairs and have the goats pull them through the White House. Both of the goats got into trouble for chewing up things and bulbs planted in the White House gardens. There were also rabbits in the Lincoln household and Lincoln named his horse Old Bob. Old Bob was used in the Lincoln funeral as the riderless horse in the funeral procession.
He really enjoyed a chicken fricassee with herb biscuits
his mom1
well, it was rectangular with a mattress and sheets and a few pillows. Abe had a Chicago Bears pattern on his blankets, as the bears were his favorite team.
Robert S. Todd, he was also a Lawyer.
Abraham Lincoln had a lot of pets, and some were unusual pets but he did not have a pet rat.
to help peaple
Abraham didn't go to school so he didn't have a teacher.
Abraham Lincoln's favorite color was blue!
President Abraham Lincolns nationality is , that he was a U.S citizen.
Abraham lincolns economic class is middle class
No. Thomas Lincoln was Abraham Lincolns father.
Abraham Lincolns favorite drink was coffee.
The television was invented in 1927 by John Logie Baird, and President Lincoln died in 1865.
Abraham Lincoln was married
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.
Abraham is from Hodgenville City in Kentucky :)