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It is a mueseum

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Q: What is San Luis Rey Today?
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Where did San Luis Rey Get water?

from San Luis Rey river

Where is the Mission San Luis Rey Museum in San Luis Rey California located?

The address of the Mission San Luis Rey Museum is: 4050 Mission Ave., San Luis Rey, CA 92068

What is San Luis Rey named after?

where does the name San Luis Rey be Francia come from

What is san Luis rey de francia short name?

San Luis Rey

What types of activities are there at San Luis Rey De Francia today?


When was The Bridge of San Luis Rey created?

The Bridge of San Luis Rey was created in 1927.

When did San Luis Rey College end?

San Luis Rey College ended in 1968.

Who built the San Luis Rey?

King Louis IX founded the San Luis Rey.

Who built san Luis rey?

King Louis IX founded the San Luis Rey.

When was San Luis Rey College created?

San Luis Rey College was created in 1950.

What was the original purpose of Mission San Luis Rey?

What days did san luis rey de francia give church?

Where was san Luis rey located?

San Luis. That is why it is named that.