It was an agreement made between the major tribes of Native Americans.
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It allowed the French in North America to be in Harmony with the Iroquois and ended a 60 year war.
The Rush- Bagot Treaty was an agreement between the United States and Great Britain to disarm the Great Lakes. This was a positive step for peace between the two nations.
Great Britan and France I guess peace out XD e.o
Peace after the American Revolutionary War with Great Britain.
The Iroquois great law of peace was model for the United States democracy
Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois Six Nations is the oral constitution whereby the Iroquois Confederacy was bound together. It has been said that the democratic ideals of the Great Law provided a significant inspiration to the framers of the United States Constitution.
it established 5 iroquios nations
The Great Law of Peace, which ended the fighting among five Iroquoian tribes by united them in the Iroquois League or Confederacy, was the work of Dekaniwidah, known as the great Peacemaker, and Hiawatha.
hiawatha is believed to have lived circa 1525 to 1575. the great peace maker, a creating for them a constitution known as "the great law of peace".
The Great Law of Peace, the founding constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy, consists of 117 wampum strings that symbolize the laws and principles governing the alliance.
The Great Law of Peace Sacagawea golden dollar coin is worth its face value of $1. However, it may have some additional value to collectors depending on its condition, rarity, and demand. It's recommended to have it appraised by a reputable coin dealer to determine its exact value.
The Great Law of Peace was what bound together six Native-American Nations and turned them collevtively into the most powerful native tribe in North America, the Iroqouis Confederacy.
Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them means that respecting God's laws will bring you peace of mind.To answer this question, first we must know what is the law?. The law is very clear , that we should "pray 3 times daily, 6 days per. week, and then rest on the 7th. Exodus 34v21-23. If that law is executed and maintained, then nothing shall offend the spirits within.
Peace Preservation Law was passed before the General Election Law.
Great Peace; Japan's always have been great peace, just not as popular as it was back in the 1700's. Japan has a-lot of great peace artifishons