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That would be a free association

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Q: What is a dependent territory supervised by another country by commisssion of the UN?
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What did colony mean in 1900?

A colony is a territory that is ran by another country.

In Plains Indian societies men were MOST likely to?

The men of the Plains Indians had important responsibilities too. They hunted and protected the women, children, and the elders. They passed on their valuable skillsand knowledge to the boys. They supervised the spiritual life of the community by leading religious ceremonies. Another important responsibility of the men was to provide military leadership. They waged war to defend or extend territory, to gain horses and other riches, or to seek revenge. More than anything else, however, men waged war to protect their people and to prove respect from the members of their nation.

A nation's borders can be changed as a result of?

Borders can be changed as a result of war. The winner annexes territory. It can also be changed in peacetime, the two countries agree to change their borders. This can be a mutually beneficial exchange of territory. Sometimes their is a referendum, and the inhabitants decide either they want independence, or they want to change from one country to another. For example, it has just been agreed that Scotland will have a referendom for independence in 2014. if the referendom gets a majority, the border of the United Kingdom will change.

French control of Louisiana upset Jefferson because he feared France would do WHAT?

Jefferson feared that Napoleon (the new leader of France after their revolution) would try to start an empire in Louisiana and take over the United States and also the rest of the world. Another reason is Napoleon had planned to close the port of New Orleans to American shipping. Spain secretly made a bribe with Napoleon to take Louisiana territory if France would leave the Spainiards alone and not attack them and take over their territory. Napolean made the deal, but did NOT plan to keep his end of it.

What are three major colonial powers of Islam?

Islamic history has involved expansion, conquest and colonization across North Africa and Eurasia. The Turks, as in the Ottomans, Seljuks were set of Islamic imperial powers. The Mongols-Moghuls hordes and the Arab Caliphates were another.