like the singer 'Bethany Joy Lenz'
I don't think this is a good answer i am called Bethany and i think you should have the middle name the parent likes the best i am Bethany jade anyone could be called bethany..... so i think people should stop saying what is a good name and what is a bad name your parents choose the name that suits you
hope this helps,
Bethany Jade Williams-Moss
no its not
Cheyenne Autumn
try joesph or ray
He had no middle name .
Abraham didn't have a middle name. His full name was Abraham Lincoln.
Bethany Hamilton's middle name is Kayleehall answered this question
it's mota. said so in an article, it's Bethany mota!
ohh yer its well cool and there is a tree called a Bethany tree;)
A good middle name for Baily is Grace. Baily Grace. A good middle name for Baily is Anne. Bailey Anne. A good middle name for Baily is Mary. Bailey Mary.
Bethany Benz's birth name is Elizabeth Ahmed.
it came from a country called Bethany
Well...Bethany isn't a popular name like Emily, but some people have that name.
A good middle name for Isabelle Grohman would be Sophia or possibly a family name.
Yes, its a Jewish name.
Hal is Henry Langlander, the good and responsible brother of George Langlander, whose name in Rondo is Spoiler. Henry and George had one other brother, and his daughter was Bethany, Aunt Bethany, who is Leo's great-aunt. Bethany gave Leo the music box, and Henry Langlander left it to Bethany.