It's when a group of immigrants assimilate into the native culture and take up some of its negative features. An example would be second generation Asian-Americans having a higher rate of single motherhood than first generation immigrants.
Policies aimed at the assimilation of ethnic groups where equality is the professed goal. There are many criticisms of one-way assimilation. Google it.
There was no assimilation of Native Americans. They were discriminated against and put on reservations as well as killed.
The assimilation into our society by foreigners is a bad idea.
Assimilation is the absorbtion of biological nutrients into the cell
"Assimilation" in English is assorbimento in Italian.
Assimilation is the process of digesting food and absorption of nutrient.
Answer this question...effect of assimilation
Policies aimed at the assimilation of ethnic groups where equality is the professed goal. There are many criticisms of one-way assimilation. Google it.
Assimilation is the use of digested and absorbed materials to make new body parts.
We have begun to use data assimilation techniques to advance analyzes.
a melting pot may imply a place of assimilation of cultures.
There was no assimilation of Native Americans. They were discriminated against and put on reservations as well as killed.
Any minority culture can be faced with assimilation by the culture of the majority. The assimilation of radioactive elements into the human body allows doctors to use them for diagnostic purposes.