Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is the most popular. However, "From the Earth to the Moon" was very well received too.
The Italian poet Petrarch was most famous for the 317 sonnets that he kept in Petrarch's Canzoniere (song book).
The most famous speech in history is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I have a dream..." speech.That's debateable: There are many most famous speechs throughout time for instances those writen in the Bible (the most published book) have been heard and read by I'm sure more people.
iltutmish was the most famous in the slave dynasty.
America's most famous color was ...........My favorite color is blue!:)
The most known book might be Little Women.
Le Jules Verne.
I believe the most famous book in America is the Bible.
her most famous book was hayley the rain fariy
Avi's most famous book is the true confessions of charlotte doyle.
"20,000 Leagues Under The Sea." The voyage of the NAUTILUS.
The Bible.
The Bible
quran, bible
The odyssey
The Bible.
Plato's most famous book is "The Republic," where he discusses the nature of justice, the ideal society, and the role of the philosopher-king.