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It is called a Calumet.

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Natural tobacco.

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Q: What is the Indian peace pipe called?
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What was smoked in the ceremonial North American Indian peace pipe?

Red Willow, the pipe was often made out of Calumet

What do you call the decorative ceremonial peace pipe smoked by the Native American tribes?

The peace pipe is known as a calumet. To see a really cool image of a Sioux Indian smoking his calumet, click on the Related Link.

Where is the Peace Pipe located?

The Peace Pipe is located in Dallas, Texas. For more information such as contacts and their street address on the Peace Pipe you can visit their official site.

What does Indian pipe eats?

the indian pipe is a parisite and takes food from certain fungi

What are the release dates for The Pipe of Peace - 1918?

The Pipe of Peace - 1918 was released on: USA: December 1918

Who is called man of peace in Indian prime minister?

Lal Bahadur Sastri

Can you get a charge from the police for having a Peace Pipe?

What does the questioner consider to be a "Peace Pipe?" Usually it is not the smoking device itself, it is what is IN the pipe or more often, the residue in the pipe, that is the illegal substance.

What is the name of Indian flag circle?

the middle of the Indian flag stand for peace.

Who plays for the peace pipe?


How do you carve a peace pipe?

With a knife

A state of everlasting peace called nirvanais a belief of?

An everlasting peace or stillness is referred to as nirvanaha. This is most common in Indian religions such as Buddhism.

What actors and actresses appeared in Peace Pipe - 1964?

The cast of Peace Pipe - 1964 includes: John Myhers as Hector Heathcote