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Shutter Island is the best movie ever.

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Q: What is the best movie in America?
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Ummm............ The movie? Or the book? I would say America has the best twilight movie!!

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Is Hannah Montana the movie the second best movie in America?

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Coming to America | 1988

Is twilight the best movie in America?

No. Titanic is the highest grossing movie. Citizen Kain is the highest rated movie. Nosfuratu is the greatest vampire movie of all time. While Avatar is the best movie out currently

What is Charlie Sheen's best movie?

The best by far is Fixing The Shadow or as it is called in America Beyond The Law.

Is Harry Potter the best movie in America?

Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt.

What is the best movie in America today?

The movie generally considered the best in America currently is Citizen Kane. It was selected twice by the American Film Institute as the greatest American Film ever made. It is considered so mostly due to its massive influence.

In what year was the movie Fatal Attraction released?

The movie Fatal Attraction was a very popular movie in America in the late 1980's. The movie received 6 nominations for the 60th Academy Awards which included Best Picture and Best Director.

What is a movie that starts with America?

America ScreamsAmerica America

Is there going to be a Hannah Montana movie?

There's a movie out called Best Of Both Worlds Concert, but there's going to be an actual movie out in April (America) and May 1st (England). Miley moves ro Tenessee.