i am a north african trader!
treason and they're called a trader
1619 by a Dutch slave trader
A Trader is someone who buys/sells stocks or commodities. A Broker is one who helps the trader in his buying/selling
The role of a commodity trader is to buy or sell commodity contracts on behalf of clients and then later charge them a commission for their service. A commodity trader can work as an individual or with a firm.
On the the Commodity Trader website the writers create discussion topics on futures trading, Forex and stock trading. These are the popular topics that engage people and educate them on the trading commodities.
Commodities options have a lot of advantages compared to the stock options like having a lower margin requirement, attractive premiums, diversification and fundamental bias. These advantages are based on experience with commodity trader.
If you want to become commodity trader and trade for yourself then you do not need any qualifications, by law. To become successful commodity trader you need much more than educational qualifications. Strong financial backing, complete knowledge of market and risk taking capacity are very necessary.
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Some books that would give an introduction to commodity trading is Futures 101: An Introduction to Commodity Trading and A Trader's First Book on Commodities. You can get both from Amazon.
Commodity Brokers is a person or group of people that carry out orders to buy and sell Commodity Contracts for clients in exchange for Commission. An individual who does this for themselves is known as a Trader.
A trader is someone who purchases or sells, voluntarily swap of goods and services. A consumer is a person, organisation or a business that buys goods and services.
Financial service websites are excellent for finding jobs in the commodity trading environment. However, you can also become a trader on your own within the comfort of your own home.
There are many different reasons one might need a commodity trader. One typically trades commodities to help bring in additional funds and increase one's money.