A fair law is for EVERYONE . What I mean by everyone is the race & religon . An unfair law is for a certain kind of person. Like Slavery .
Revealed law is given by God explicitly in the Holy Scripture and natural law is discernible by man
many lost their land when Angelos passed an unfair law
Equal Protection under the law is just what it sounds like: Everyone has a fair chance under the law until proven guilty.
It is rejected since people feel it is unfair. A law was also passed saying it was banned.
They considered them unfair.
Who said Law was Fair?
dismissal without written proof or warning
Nothing. No law requires that you be treated in a way you consider fair. At larger employers, you must be treated in ways that do not violate statutes, even if both you and the employer find the situation unfair.
There is no difference. They are the same.
the difference is this is small and that is big
The Fair Credit Billing Act is a United States federal law. Its purpose is to protect consumers from unfair billing practices and to provide a mechanism for addressing billing errors in open-end credit accounts. The law was enacted in 1975.
= "What is relation between law and justice?" =
law and rules
Many lost their land when Anglos passes an unfair law. -apex
There is a big difference between both the laws.The basi difference between them is that i dont know 1st but i know the 2nd one
colonial law is not law are rules of english law