A covenant is an agreement to a collection of promises between two or more parties for mutual gain and benefit. A promise is a pledge from one party to another agreeing to do/ not do something in the future.
A promise is a vow or affirmation given by the Promisor. Think of it like this...when you lease something, you're the Leasee...when you work, you're an employee...when you're the person who leases something to someone else, you're the Leasor...and when you give someone a job...you're the employor. The "or" usually implies someone who does the act.
A covenant community refers to a religious community. People who are part of the covenant bind themselves to each other via a solemn agreement referred to as a covenant. The group provides support and encouragement.
What is the difference between North American and US?AnswerCanada.
A difference between Oriental & Occidental ship designs. A difference between the Western man's mission and the Eastern man's objective...probably wealth verses strictly exploration.
the major economical difference between the north and the south is the north was based on manufacturing while south was agriculutural
hello marvin
A covenant is a promise. The Ten Commandments are laws you follow to keep covenants.
Simply put I think the covenant is an agreement or promise between two or more parties and a dispensation is the carrying out or management of that agreement
A covenant is a biding promise between two people.
I suppose a Covenant as the Covenant was the promise between God and Man.
A covenant is a binding agreement or promise between two parties, often with conditions or terms. An oath is a solemn promise or declaration, usually invoking a deity or something sacred as a witness to the truth of what is being said or promised. In essence, a covenant is a formal agreement, while an oath is a solemn pledge.
I suppose a Covenant as the Covenant was the promise between God and Man.
it is a mutual promise between god and his people
The Promise of an Eternal Covenant
covenant means a promise with God
"Cutting a Covenant" means : Breaking the already made covenant. (Breaking the promise)
a commandment is ordained from God to the people of God. a covenant is an agreement between to persons or between a person and God.