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the difference between an indentured servent and a slave is that an indentured servant only stays with the person for the amount of time that they (the person;people) desire. And a slave stays either for their whole life or until they are sold to another owner.

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A slave is owned by other person. An indentured servant works for some one for a set amount of time in exchange for passage (to America).

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Q: What is the difference from an indentured servant and a slave?
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What is the difference between indentured servants and a life of a slave?

Answer: the difference is that a slave is dirty and does not work in a proper house hold, and indentured servant is a clean proper slave that is assigned to one house were the servant gets clean close and a clean approch everyday so the guesst in the house will not be That is the answer.

What is the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?

And indentured servant only does so many years slavery before allowed to go free, were as, if you were a slave, you were pretty much stuck that way for life, until the underground Rail-Road came along. Choo! Choo!

What is the difference between an indentured servant and a slave maid?

The difference between an indentured servant and a enslaved person is that enslaved people are forced to work with no special teatment but the indentured servants agree to work for a certain amout of time (mostly 7 years) and their owners will give the food,clothes,housing and voyage to America inexchange for do their work.That is the difference between indentured servant and enslaved people

What is the difference between a slave and a interned servant?

A slave is owned by someone and is considered property. Indentured servants were people who had their passage paid for and they worked for 7 years for the person in exchange.

Was William byrd a indentured servant?

No, William Byrd II was not an indentured servant. He was a wealthy colonial American planter, slave owner, and author who played a significant role in the history of Virginia.

Person passage to north America was paid for in exchange for labor called?

An indentured slave/servant

How can you sell yourself as an indentured servant or slave and How much can you make?

You cant because it is illegal any where in the world.

What is the difference between enslaved people and indentured servant?

Indentured servants work less then enslaved people, they get more breaks then the slaves.

What is a difference between slave and indentured servant?

Indentured Servants choose to serve and do so in exchange for a place to sleep, food, and a possible reward of land in return for a set amount of time in service. slaves are forced to serve against their will and if freed they are owed no reward

What are the differences between being a slave and being an indentured servant?

A slave is a person who is considered the legal property of another and has no personal freedom. An indentured servant is a person who agrees to work for a specified period in exchange for passage to a new country or to pay off a debt, but still retains some legal rights and protections. Indentured servants have the possibility of gaining freedom after their contract is fulfilled, while slaves are bound to servitude for life.

What did a indentured servant do?

An indentured servant was a person who signed a contract to work for a set number of years in exchange for passage to a new land, food, clothing, and shelter. They were bound to their master until their contract was completed.

How does indentured servant differ from slave?

An indentured servant had an agreement with a definite end date, at which time, if the servant had fulfilled his/her part, s/he would be freed. Slaves were slaves for life until/unless their owner decided to free them.