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Constructionism - and a person (usually a judge or other member of the judiciary) who follows and supports this line of thought is often called a 'constructionist', or a 'strict constructionist". A constructionist basically believes in the literal word of the Constitution, and believes it should not be molded or twisted to fit other thought patterns or beliefs. A constructionist is usually also labeled a 'conservative'. However, not all conservatives are constructionist. For example, many conservatives would support a constitutional amendment to ban burning of the American flag as a political statement - yet a strict constructionist would say, "Hey, look - the First Amendment says "congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech" - it doesn't say " except for speech we don't like", or "except for saying dirty words on TV" - it says "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW". Many conservatives get uneasy about this, and thus, quickly change the subject to something equally trivial, such as same-sex marriage.

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Q: What is the formal interpretation of the constitution called?
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Formal changes to the constitution are called?

AmendmentDefinition of amendment:A minor change in a document.A change or addition to a legal or statutory document.

What caused Jefferson to hesitate before agreeing to purchase the Louisiana territory?

He wasn't sure if it was contitutiional to purchase land if it wasnt in the constitution he wouldn't do it

How was John Marshall's interpretation of the Constitution different from Thomas Jefferson's?

John Marshall had a loose interpretation of the Constitution while Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict interpretation of it. John Marshall strongly believed in the elastic clause (the necessary and proper clause) which meant: "The Congress shall have Power - To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof". So he thought that if a law was needed, then it could be added and adjusted into the Constitution and one didn't have to stick to the exact words of the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson supposedly had a strict construction of the Constitution, but his actions such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Embargo Act showed loose interpretations because neither one of those were written in the Constitution. He very rarely showed a strict interpretation where he stuck directly to the Constitution, so they really weren't that different in views even though in titles they were.

What was the original U.S. Constitution called?

The original constitution was called ''Articles of Confideration''

What is approving an amendment to the constitution called?

Approving an amendment to the Constitution is called ratification (O.P.P 6.7.7)

Related questions

What is the difference between formal amendments and judicial interpretation?

Formal amendments are changes to the Constitution made by following the procedures outlined in Article V; they result in new written material being added to the Constitution (even if the addition actually repeals another amendment). Judicial interpretation is called the "informal amendment process" because it changes the way the Constitution is understood and applied without altering the document itself.

Formal approval for the constitution was called what?

ratification of coarse

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the Constitution and its interpretation

What is the Difference Between loose Constitution and strict Constitution of the Constitution?

A strict interpretation of the Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution. A loose interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.

What kind of interpretation of the constitution do federalists favor?

They favored strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Did the centralist favor strict interpretation of the constitution or did the decentralists favor strict interpretation?

Decentralists favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

What are the loose and strict constructions of the Constitution and who favored each?

It's your interpretation of the constitution. The philosophy that allows narrow constitutional interpretation is called strict construction and the philosophy of broad constitutional interpretation is called loose construction. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison favored the strict constructions, and Alexander Hamilton favored the loose construction.

What is the difference between the strict interpretation and the loose interpretation?

A strict interpretation of the Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution. A loose interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.

When was An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States created?

An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States was created in 1913.

What is the difference strict and loose interpretation of the constitution?

A strict interpretation of the Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution. A loose interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.

What is a formal plan for government is called?

The first formal plan of government in the US was known as the Articles of Confederation. However, this was replaced by the constitution which governs the government.

What is the difference between loose and strict interpretation of the constitution?

A strict interpretation of the Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution. A loose interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.