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Q: What is the idea of a state ignoring an unconstitutional law called?
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The main idea of nullification was that?

State nullification is the idea that the states can and must refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws.

What word expresses the idea that a state could declare that federal legislation unconstitutional and could disregard it?


What was the idea of nullification?

The main idea of nullification was give every state a right to invalidate any federal acts which was viewed as unconstitutional. This was also a way to preserve the union.

What was the main idea of the?

The main idea of nullification was give every state a right to invalidate any federal acts which was viewed as unconstitutional. This was also a way to preserve the union.

The main idea of nullification was what?

The main idea of nullification was give every state a right to invalidate any federal acts which was viewed as unconstitutional. This was also a way to preserve the union.

What was main idea of nullification?

The main idea of nullification was give every state a right to invalidate any federal acts which was viewed as unconstitutional. This was also a way to preserve the union.

How did a state's right believer feel about the nullification crisis and Jackson?

The "state's rights believes" supported the idea of nullification because this protected the state's rights, and they belived Jackson was being unconstitutional with the tarriff of 1828.

What are state'rights?

State's Rights is the political idea that state governments should have more power than the federal government, specifically the right to nullify a law they don't agree with or believe to be unconstitutional.

What idea says that a state can cancel a federal law?

The idea that says a state can cancel a federal law is the idea of nullification.The idea of nullification essentially says that individual states can cancel certain laws passed by the federal government if that state views the law as unconstitutional. Needless to say, this was an unsuccessful attempt by the states to disobey federal laws imposed by the government.

What main ideas of the nullification?

The main idea of nullification was give every state a right to invalidate any federal acts which was viewed as unconstitutional. This was also a way to preserve the union.

What is nature of british constitution?

"No Act of Parliament can be unconstitutional, for the law of the land knows not the word or the idea."

The idea that local governments are the creation of state legislatures is called .?

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