Well, Texas ranks second largest state in the USA.
Texas grows most cotton in the USA, ALSO Texas is the largest Milk producer.
PERCEPTION: Michigan is the largest state east of the Mississippi River. REALITY: Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River.
Idaho. Frank Church wilderness and mountains would make this the largest state.
In the USA, the capital is Washington DC. The largest state is either Texas, or Alaska.
Mississippi River is the name of the state and the largest river in the USA.
Canada is a nation separate from the United States. Your answer is, "No". The largest USA state is Alaska.
Texas is the second largest state of the USA.
The largest state in the U.S. area-wise is Alaska at 663,267 square miles. The largest state by population is California with 38,041,430 inhabitants.
With 663,267.26 square miles, the state of Alaska is the largest state in the USA land-wise. The second largest is Texas, with 268,580.82 square miles.
California USA
The largest state in the USA is Alaska. In Australia, the largest state is Western Australia.
The largest independent state is Russia The largest state in the US is Alaska
The largest eruption in the USA was Mount St. Helen's in Washington state.