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The Adena Mound

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Q: What is the largest burial mound built by the Adena people?
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What did the adena build?

The Adena culture, a prehistoric Native American culture that existed from around 1000 to 200 BC, is best known for building large burial mounds, often with conical shapes. These mounds were used to bury important members of their society and were sometimes accompanied by elaborate grave goods. The Adena people also built earthworks and ceremonial enclosures.

In which present-day state did the Adena people build the snake-shaped Serpent Mound?

The Adena people built the Serpent Mound in present-day Ohio, USA. The mound is an ancient effigy mound representing a serpent and is one of the largest earthwork effigies in the world.

Who built mounds?

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Who built the mound?

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What were the adena achievements?

The Adena were groups of Native Americans that live in Ohio and the surrounding areas. They built mounds for their dead, which is one of their biggest achievements.

Who were the early Ohio valley people who built huge burial mounds?

It is the Hopewell.

What famous mounds the archaeologists believe Adena built?

The Ulrich Mounds In Farmersville near Miamisburg in Montgomery County Ohio were excavated and believed to be Adena.

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burial sites

Which early civilization built the Great Mounds nearAnderson Indiana?

The Adena culture was responsible for building the Great Mounds near Anderson, Indiana. They existed in the area from around 1000 BC to 200 AD and are known for constructing large burial mounds.

When were the first ceremonial mounds built?

Archaeologists estimate the mound was built between 250 and 150 BCE by the Adena culture.

What type of mound did the adena build?

they built cone shaped mounds to bury the dead