One of the main occupations of North Americans is warehouse workers. There are also a lot of retail workers in North America.
Most 17th century Americans were farmers.
cloths north Americans wear casual jeans or skirts and tshirts
farming :)
Carpenters, boatmen, mothers, and lumberjacks are the occupations Whitman attribute to Americans in you hear America.
main occupation of nagaland population
they lived in two main houses called Wigwams and Longhouses.
The main occupation of rajasthan is agriculture. -Ayush Surana
say what the main trade union is for your occupation and what it does
agricultre is the main occupation of assam
Savannas is a greenland,and the main occupation is hunting.
Iran main occupation is associated with oil industry.
farming is the main occupation of tamilnadu
say what the main trade union is for your occupation and what it does
What is the main occupation of tripura