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Answer I can only answer from personal experience but what would happen to the two of you if you waited until the two of you were married before you had sexual encounters and you find out that you aren't sexually compatible? It's not every man and woman who are sexually compatible so it's like going to a store to buy a coat. Would you buy it without trying it on, not me, I'd want to see if it fits perfectly, you should too.

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Q: What is the main reason for having premarital sex?
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What is the moral consequence for premarital sex?

You are here: Worldviews >> Premarital SexPremarital Sex - Positives and Negatives"Is it ok to have premarital sex?" That is a common question among teens and engaged couples. Perhaps you are in a relationship that is progressing in that direction, but you're not sure what to do. In your mind, you are probably weighing the pros and cons of premarital sex. On the positive side of the scale, there is acceptance from your peers, hope for pleasure, and the fulfillment of sexual desires. The negative side of the scale carries the weights of morals, fear of pregnancy or disease, and guilt. How do these scales balance? What is the right decision? Let's take a look at some of the facts.Premarital Sex - Is it Moral?Morality is a factor for many people when deciding whether or not to have premarital sex. Is it a factor for you? After all, the messages we receive from most TV shows and movies these days tells us "everyone is doing it." In light of today's permissive attitude, your peers may think you're weird to even question it.But maybe there is something inside you, like a voice in your head, that is making you uncertain about whether or not sex before marriage is a right or wrong action. Many people refer to this voice as their conscience. How can you know if your "conscience" is right? People all around the world look to the Bible as a moral or religious book, so let's see what it says about premarital sex.The Bible refers to premarital sex as fornication. That's a word we don't hear much these days, so what does it mean? Fornication is sexual intercourse between people who are not married to each other. The only distinction the Bible makes between premarital sex and adultery is that adultery involves married persons while fornication involves those who are unmarried. Premarital sex is just as much of a sin as adultery and all other forms of sexual immorality. They all involve having sexual relations with someone you are not married to.The Bible explains, "…The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body" (1 Corinthians 6:13). Verse 18 of this chapter goes on to say, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." Galatians 5:19 speaks the same, "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity…" Ephesians 5:3 says it most plainly, "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." From these verses, we see that the Bible promotes complete and total abstinence from premarital sex.Premarital Sex - Is it Safe Physically and Emotionally?Another consideration when deciding about premarital sex is safety. Did you know that 50% of the people who currently have HIV are between the ages of 15 and 24?1 Using a condom only reduces the risk of contracting HIV by 85%. Condoms do not significantly reduce the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted diseases.2 Take these statistics into consideration when making your decision.Most people don't consider the emotional effects of premarital sex. You see, sex is an emotional experience and it affects our lives in ways we don't understand. After engaging in premarital sex, many people express feelings of guilt, embarrassment, distrust, resentment, lack of respect, tension, and so much more. As you read the next section, consider God's love for you as a primary reason for sexual purity. God does not want you to experience unnecessary emotional pain!Premarital Sex - Recreation or Re-creation?In discussing premarital sex, we often focus on the "recreation" aspect of it. Yes, sex is pleasurable. God, our Creator, designed it that way. It may be hard to think of God creating sex, but He did! In God's plan, sex was designed for married couples to enjoy the pleasure and excitement of sexual relations. The Bible talks about this in Hebrews 13:4, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral." God created sex to be fun, exciting, and pleasurable. At the same time, though, it is clear in the Bible that God restricts sexual activity to married couples.

How did the british identify Nathan Hale as a spy?

he was at a strippers having sex with other girls.

How did women's lives change during the civil war?

Woman's liefs changed during the civil war because they were having sex with several boy because it was fun

Why Americans are like sex?

Americans are not like sex. America is a nation, and sex is an activity.

What do prostetutes do?

they have sex with people and play sex games for money

Related questions

What is premarrital sex?

Premarital sex is having sex before you are married.

What does premarital sex means?

having sex before you're married.

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What are the causes of premarital pregnancy?

The cause of premarital pregnancy is having sex, just like marital pregnancy.

Why is a dictionary not a credible source?

Because dictionaries are notorious for having premarital sex.

What does premadle sex mean?

The term is a little off. That may be why you are having trouble finding out. It is actually called premarital sex. It simply means a person has sex before they are married. Premarital means before marriage.

Is premarital sex allowed in Germany?

Yes, there is no law against premarital sex in Germany.

Meaning of premarital sex in tagalog?

Ang premarital sex sa Tagalog ay kilala bilang "pakikiapid bago ang kasal." Ito ay ang gawain ng pagtatalik bago ang pag-iisang dibdib o pagsasama sa legal na kasal.

Cause of premarital sex on relationship?

The premarital sex happens when the persons come so closer to their heart

Is it possible to date a girl without premarital sex if you are a Muslim Guy?

If you are a Muslim it will have to be without premarital sex because Muslims are not allowed to have sex before marriage and that goes for both men and women. Dating means going out to movies and restaurants or the Zoo or park, getting to know each other. Not having sex.

Is premarital sex illegal in North Carolina?

There are no longer laws against premarital sex. However, there are laws regarding ages and those are enforced.

What does it mean to tap a girl?

To have premarital sex with her.