The correct answer is :He wants to help avoid a confrontation with the guards.
The most likely reason he described them that way was to make it appear that they would be easy to defeat.
which historical event most likely had the biggest effect on the writings of W.E.B. DuBois
most likely
Plains farmers were the group likely to have received land provided under the Homestead Act.
The "Muckraker" journalists would have been likely to cover all of the following subjects EXCEPT
The deportees likely did not throw themselves on the guards at night because they were likely exhausted, scared, and disoriented from the traumatic experience of being deported. Additionally, they may have feared further violence or repercussions if they were to resist the guards.
Colleges most certainly offer security guards services. Pretty much any major institution or company should and most likely will have security guards services.
The likely word is the proper noun Aramis (one of the Three Musketeers, also a fragrance name).The term aremus is used to mean dog in the Penobscot Amerindian language, as used in the novel The Sign of the Beaver (1983).
you would most likely be took off of that place by body guards and sued
The knights usually guarded the castles but, if they owned it they would most likely have their own soliders,knights,guards, and Etc.
Unconstrained captors Terrorists, or kidnappers.
Mostly likely because she was killing people, such as Abstergo guards. Death is very messy.
Without a mouthguard, a person is 60 times more likely to experience dental trauma if he or she participates in these sports.
the guards.. The guards and the Commandant. ---------------------------------------- presumably you mean out of the inmates; the problem was that any inmate could be killed at any time for no apparent reason. but if one were to suggest a group that was least likely to be executed (as opposed to die - that would be a different answer), it would be the doctors or the workers in 'Kanada' or the orchestra or other entertainment groups.
Due to increased violence in America it is likely that these jobs will increase. However, there is no sure way to tell. Increased chances of job growth are more likely in areas with high crime rates.
Untrained guards or inexperienced personnel who may not have the proper training or protocols in place for a secure transfer. This can potentially put your safety at risk and may not follow established procedures for handling such a sensitive situation.